148 research outputs found

    Effective dynamics of twisted and curved scroll waves using virtual filaments

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    Scroll waves are three-dimensional excitation patterns that rotate around a central filament curve; they occur in many physical, biological and chemical systems. We explicitly derive the equations of motion for scroll wave filaments in reaction-diffusion systems with isotropic diffusion up to third order in the filament's twist and curvature. The net drift components define at every instance of time a virtual filament which lies close to the instantaneous filament. Importantly, virtual filaments obey simpler, time-independent laws of motion which we analytically derive here and illustrate with numerical examples. Stability analysis of scroll waves is performed using virtual filaments, showing that filament curvature and twist add as quadratic terms to the nominal filament tension. Applications to oscillating chemical reactions and cardiac tissue are discussed.Comment: 28 page

    Variational principle for non-linear wave propagation in dissipative systems

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    The dynamics of many natural systems is dominated by non-linear waves propagating through the medium. We show that the dynamics of non-linear wave fronts with positive surface tension can be formulated as a gradient system. The variational potential is simply given by a linear combination of the occupied volume and surface area of the wave front, and changes monotonically in time. Finally, we demonstrate that vortex filaments can be written as a gradient system only if their binormal velocity component vanishes, which occurs in chemical system with equal diffusion of reactants

    Spiral wave chimeras in locally coupled oscillator systems

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    The recently discovered chimera state involves the coexistence of synchronized and desynchronized states for a group of identical oscillators. This fascinating chimera state has until now been found only in non-local or globally coupled oscillator systems. In this work, we for the first time show numerical evidence of the existence of spiral wave chimeras in reaction-diffusion systems where each element is locally coupled by diffusion. This spiral wave chimera rotates inwardly, i.e., coherent waves propagate toward the phase randomized core. A continuous transition from spiral waves with smooth core to spiral wave chimeras is found as we change the local dynamics of the system. Our findings on the spiral wave chimera in locally coupled oscillator systems largely improve our understanding of the chimera state and suggest that spiral chimera states may be found in natural systems which can be modeled by a set of oscillators indirectly coupled by a diffusive environment.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Drift Laws for Spiral Waves on Curved Anisotropic Surfaces

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    Rotating spiral waves organize spatial patterns in chemical, physical and biological excitable systems. Factors affecting their dynamics such as spatiotemporal drift are of great interest for par- ticular applications. Here, we propose a quantitative description for spiral wave dynamics on curved surfaces which shows that for a wide class of systems, including the BZ reaction and anisotropic cardiac tissue, the Ricci curvature scalar of the surface is the main determinant of spiral wave drift. The theory provides explicit equations for spiral wave drift direction, drift velocity and the period of rotation. Depending on the parameters, the drift can be directed to the regions of either maximal or minimal Ricci scalar curvature, which was verified by direct numerical simulations.Comment: preprint before submission to Physical Review

    Generalized minimal principle for rotor filaments

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    To a reaction-diffusion medium with an inhomogeneous anisotropic diffusion tensor D, we add a fourth spatial dimension such that the determinant of the diffusion tensor is constant in four dimensions. We propose a generalized minimal principle for rotor filaments, stating that the scroll wave filament strives to minimize its surface area in the higher-dimensional space. As a consequence, stationary scroll wave filaments in the original 3D medium are geodesic curves with respect to the metric tensor G = det(D)D-1. The theory is confirmed by numerical simulations for positive and negative filament tension and a model with a non-stationary spiral core. We conclude that filaments in cardiac tissue with positive tension preferentially reside or anchor in regions where cardiac cells are less interconnected, such as portions of the cardiac wall with a large number of cleavage planes

    Accurate eikonal-curvature relation for wave fronts in locally anisotropic reaction-diffusion systems

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    The dependency of wave velocity in reaction-diffusion (RD) systems on the local front curvature determines not only the stability of wave propagation, but also the fundamental properties of other spatial configurations such as vortices. This Letter gives the first derivation of a covariant eikonal-curvature relation applicable to general RD systems with spatially varying anisotropic diffusion properties, such as cardiac tissue. The theoretical prediction that waves which seem planar can nevertheless possess a nonvanishing geometrical curvature induced by local anisotropy is confirmed by numerical simulations, which reveal deviations up to 20% from the nominal plane wave speed

    Analysis of cardiac arrhythmia sources using Feynman diagrams

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    The contraction of the heart muscle is triggered by self-organizing electrical patterns. Abnormalities in these patterns lead to cardiac arrhythmias, a prominent cause of mortality worldwide. The targeted treatment or prevention of arrhythmias requires a thorough understanding of the interacting wavelets, vortices and conduction block sites within the excitation pattern. Currently, there is no conceptual framework that covers the elementary processes during arrhythmogenesis in detail, in particular the transient pivoting patterns observed in patients, which can be interleaved with periods of less fragmented waves. Here, we provide such a framework in terms of quasiparticles and Feynman diagrams, which were originally developed in theoretical physics. We identified three different quasiparticles in excitation patterns: heads, tails and pivots. In simulations and experiments, we show that these basic building blocks can combine into at least four different bound states. By representing their interactions as Feynman diagrams, the creation and annihilation of rotor pairs are shown to be sequences of dynamical creation, annihilation and recombination of the identified quasiparticles. Our results provide a new theoretical foundation for a more detailed theory, analysis and mechanistic insights of topological transitions in excitation patterns, to be applied within and beyond the context of cardiac electrophysiology

    Strings, branes and twistons: topological analysis of phase defects in excitable media such as the heart

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    Several excitable systems, such as the heart, self-organize into complex spatio-temporal patterns that involve wave collisions, wave breaks, and rotating vortices, of which the dynamics are incompletely understood. Recently, conduction block lines in two-dimensional media were recognized as phase defects, on which quasi-particles can be defined. These particles also form bound states, one of which corresponds to the classical phase singularity. Here, we relate the quasi-particles to the structure of the dynamical attractor in state space and extend the framework to three spatial dimensions. We reveal that 3D excitable media are governed by phase defect surfaces, i.e. branes, and three flavors of topologically preserved curves, i.e. strings: heads, tails, and pivot curves. We identify previously coined twistons as points of co-dimension three at the crossing of a head curve and a pivot curve. Our framework predicts splitting and branching phase defect surfaces that can connect multiple classical filaments, thereby proposing a new mechanism for the origin, perpetuation, and control of complex excitation patterns, including cardiac fibrillation

    Chiral selection and frequency response of spiral waves in reaction-diffusion systems under a chiral electric field

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    Chirality is one of the most fundamental properties of many physical, chemical and biological systems. However, the mechanisms underlying the onset and control of chiral symmetry are largely understudied. We investigate possibility of chirality control in a chemical excitable system (the BZ reaction) by application of a chiral (rotating) electric field using the Oregonator model. We find that unlike previous findings, we can achieve the chirality control not only in the field rotation direction, but also opposite to it, depending on the field rotation frequency. To unravel the mechanism, we further develop a comprehensive theory of frequency synchronization based on the response function approach. We find that this problem can be described by the Adler equation and show phase-locking phenomena, known as the Arnold tongue. Our theoretical predictions are in good quantitative agreement with the numerical simulations and provide a solid basis for chirality control in excitable media.Comment: 21 pages with 9 figures; update references; to appear in J. Chem. Phy